

You’ll want to know this about LLMs


Large language models (LLMs) are AI models that use deep learning techniques, “invented by Google,” a subset of neural networks known as transformers. LLMs use transformers to perform natural language processing (NLP) tasks like language translation, t...

21.02.24 10:20 PM - Comment(s)


Seven Christian ways to take every thought captive

1. Accept responsibility for your thoughts.  You have the ability to exercise control over ALL your thoughts. declare that you can, with God's help, regain control of your thoughts - and think enabling thoughts instead of disabling ones....

17.02.24 11:44 AM - Comment(s)


2024 is the time for Making Money with Gen-AI

Every year consulting companies make predictions, plans, and surveys. This white paper summarizes the published studies of several major consulting firms, because they indicate that companies are already making good money from Gen-AI. This is very ...

15.02.24 11:22 AM - Comment(s)


Wellness and fitness industries, evolving lookalikes in an unstable world

In 1952 George Reeves was “superman hero” and fitness was about sweat, lifting weights and running outside (the first treadmill was invented for dogs circa 1811)

In 1969 Simon and Garfunkel sang “Where have you gone, Joe...

02.02.24 08:56 PM - Comment(s)


Centers of Excellence enable The Habit of Excellence.


Innovation Day wins are not an accident

On Innovation Day, winning the “best company innovation award” is all about attitude, and the monetary reward in great to receive also. It’s the Habit of Excellence, a product of successful ong...

21.01.24 10:24 AM - Comment(s)